Barry Stamp
Liberal Democrat Councillor
Stafford Borough Council

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News Archive
Archived 20th September 2006

Parish Council Reject Resident's Call To Change Shops Parking
At the May meeting of Haughton Parish Council the decision was taken to support the County Council's new road layout outside the Village shops. This was despite the fact that at an earlier meeting the Council had expressed their concerns that the layout was unsafe. This view was also backed by a 400 name petition! Unfortunately, Barry Stamp, who is a member of the Parish Council was unable to attend that meeting so could not speak up on behalf of the shop keepers and the local residents.

"I am appalled that given the fact the representative of the County Council who attended the meeting said the layout could be put back to as it was, the Parish Council appear to have done a "u-turn" and backed the County Council's original plan. So much for a local Council representing the views of local people!", said Barry Stamp.

M6 Toll Motorway Plan Thrown Out

It is really good news that the Government has abandoned it's plan to build a new M6 Toll Motorway through Staffordshire. If the scheme had gone ahead it would have had a devastating effect on the communities of Derrington, Seighford, Hyde Lea, and of course Stafford itself. Barry Stamp has been one of the campaigners who have been fighting hard to get the plan rejected. Hundreds of people signed the petition he organised last year, and every week more sign the online petition which can be found on this web site.

"This news will be welcomed by many local residents whose lives would have been wrecked if this road went ahead. However the Government still intend to widen the M6 so we are not out of the woods yet! Perhaps now the Conservative run Borough Council will now get off the fence and say whether they were for or against the scheme. I know many people keep asking me where they stand on this issue - a question I have not been able to answer," said Barry.

 more news............

Published by Barry Stamp "Deerhurst", Newport Road, Haughton, Stafford ST18 9JH