Barry Stamp
Liberal Democrat Councillor
Stafford Borough Council

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Published 5th December 2006

Ranton Residents Let Down Over Planning "Call-in"
Residents objecting to the development of two houses in the centre of Ranton have been badly let down by three Conservative Councillors who withdrew their request for the application to be decided by the Planning Committee.

Because both local Councillors had declared an interest in the planning application at Church Farm, they arranged for three of their colleagues to call the application in so the objections raised by the residents and the Parish Council could be heard. However a couple of days before the Planning Committee was due to sit, the three Councillors changed their minds and allowed the planning officers to approve the plan under their delegated powers.

"Effectively the objectors was gagged by this surprise move, which no-one involved really want to discuss. The application at Church Farm was extremely controversial and had attracted a good deal of criticism from many local residents. This last minute change of heart by the three Conservative Councillors just pulled the rug from under the objectors and ensured the plan was passed. This situation cannot be allowed to happen again and the Council must change it's planning rules to ensure the public can have their say. I for one will be campaigning to ensure these changes are made as soon as possible. In the meantime the residents of Ranton at the very least deserve an explanation and an apology from the three Councillors involved," said Barry Stamp.

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Published by Barry Stamp "Deerhurst", Newport Road, Haughton, Stafford ST18 9JH