Barry Stamp
Liberal Democrat Councillor
Stafford Borough Council

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Published 20th January 2007

Ash Drive Recycling Problems
Residents of Ash Drive, Haughton are having problems getting their recycling collected. The problem appears to stem from the fact that Biffa - the Borough Council's contractor - has purchased a fleet of new kerbside recycling lorries which are longer than the original rear loading wagons. These long vehicles now have problems reversing down Ash Drive especially if there are vehicles parked in the road! Barry Stamp has taken the matter up with the Borough Council and has been told that the contract makes it clear that the recycling must be collected. Officers at the Council have told him that Biffa cannot use the parked vehicles as an excuse and if necessary must return with a smaller lorry to make the collection. Barry will be monitoring the situation to ensure the contractor fulfils his commitment and that the recycling left by the residents is collected!

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Published by Barry Stamp "Deerhurst", Newport Road, Haughton, Stafford ST18 9JH