Barry Stamp
Liberal Democrat Councillor
Stafford Borough Council

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Published 28th February 2007

Over 400 Sign Barry's Petition To Get Lower Speed Limit on A518
Barry Stamp would like to say a big thank you to everyone who signed his petition to get the speed limit on the A518 reduced. In all 410 signatures were collected.

"I am delighted that so many people signed this petition which calls on the County Council and the police to take immediate steps to reduce the speed limit on the A518 between Haughton and Newport. I've lived on the road for many years and have seen at first hand just how fast some motorists travel. I believe the speed limit must be reduced and that this should be enforced by speed cameras. We cannot go on allowing more and more accidents to occur. There has been a steady rise in the number of fatalities over the past few years and this trend must be stopped. I will now be delivering the petition to the County Council and will be urging then to take immediate action," said Barry Stamp.

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Published by Barry Stamp "Deerhurst", Newport Road, Haughton, Stafford ST18 9JH