Barry Stamp
Liberal Democrat Councillor
Stafford Borough Council

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Published 5th May 2007

Barry Stamp Re-elected To Serve On Stafford Borough Council

Barry Stamp would like to say a big thank you to everyone who voted for him in the recent Borough Council Elections.

The result was

Barry Stamp - 618
Ken Brown - 319

"I am delighted that the majority of residents in Church Eaton Ward who vote in the recent election had confidence in me and were willing to give me another four years as their representative on the Borough Council. I always knew that my opponent was working hard with the intention of winning, so I was surprised that the final result was so conclusive. Residents of Church Eaton Ward can rest assured I will continue to work hard for the benefit of the area, and guarantee that I will continue to keep them informed of what is happening through my regular newsletters. I was personally would like to say thanks to all those people who contacted me during the run-up to the election offering their support and good wishes," said Barry Stamp.

 more news............

Published by Barry Stamp "Deerhurst", Newport Road, Haughton, Stafford ST18 9JH