Barry Stamp
Liberal Democrat Councillor
Stafford Borough Council

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Published 16th July 2007

Barry Stamp Condemns Council Plan To Sell Of Farms
Barry Stamp has this week thrown his weight behind local farmers after news broke that the County Council were planning to sell of all their County farms in a desperate attempt to raise money.

"Over the past couple of weeks rumours have begun to circulate about the County Council's plan to sell their farms on the open market. Unfortunately this has now been shown to be true. For many local farmers this will be a bitter blow. Not only do they stand to loose their income but also their home. I am extremely disappointed in the way the County Council have handled this plan. Firstly they have not bothered to tell the tenant farmers what is happening. Secondly it looks as if they intend to sell the farms on the open market without giving the farmers the first option to buy. At a time when farmers are struggling to make ends meet the thought of having to raise thousands of pounds to buy their own farm will be the final straw for many. I believe the County Council need to rethink these proposals now and will certainly be fighting to make sure this is done," said Barry Stamp.

Barry Stamp would like to hear from any farmer who is affected by this proposal - please give him a ring on 822723

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Published by Barry Stamp "Deerhurst", Newport Road, Haughton, Stafford ST18 9JH