Barry Stamp
Liberal Democrat Councillor
Stafford Borough Council

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Published January 2008

Disappointment Over
Golf Course Plan
The Borough Council's decision to grant planning permission for the further development of Stafford Castle Golf course has been condemned by Barry Stamp as being a bitter blow for the Environment.

Barry, who was one of only three members of the Council's Planning Committee to vote against the scheme said he was concerned that thousands of tons of soil waste which would be dumped on the ground as part of the development meant the operation was more of a waste disposal scheme rather than a golf course development.

"While I am certainly not against the expansion of the present nine hole course I am against the plan to import over 400,000 cubic metres of soil. This will have a major impact on the environment as the ground level across the whole site will be raised by over 50cms. It will also mean people living along the Newport Road will suffer as 70 loads of soil per day will be delivered to the site. This is certainly a step too far and I was disappointed the Committee did not join with me to reject this plan", said Barry Stamp.

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Published by Barry Stamp "Deerhurst", Newport Road, Haughton, Stafford ST18 9JH